Water bottle, check. Gym shorts, check. Exfoliation, check…? If something sounds a little off about this workout preparation, you may want to rethink the way you get ready to head to the gym. Even if you hit the showers immediately after you sweat it out, a workout without washing and exfoliating your face beforehand could set you up for …
2 Truths and A Lie: Acne and Chocolate
Think back to the first day of middle school (for some of us that might be a little harder to do than others), and think about all those ‘ice breaker’ games your teacher made you play so you could get to know your classmates. A staple amongst them was the game ‘two truths and a lie.’ Pretty simple concept- one …
10 Reasons Why the ViaBuff Is the Best New Exfoliator
If you’re like many people out there, you could be missing a key step in your skincare routine. It could even be the reason you’re not getting the results you want out of your favorite skin care products. Yes, we’re talking about exfoliation, and if you’re not doing it, you owe it to your skin to give it a try. …
5 Tips for Exfoliating and Waxing
Waxed skin is smooth, soft, and oh-so lovely – but it’s also pretty sensitive to most skincare products. For those who frequently wax their skin but don’t want to disrupt their normal exfoliative routine, what are you to do – skip exfoliation for a prolonged period time, or potentially irritate your freshly-waxed skin? Lucky for you, we’ve put together five …
Why Exfoliating Eczema Is Super Helpful
Exfoliating can be so beneficial to your skin, even if you have a condition like eczema that causes dry, flaky patches of skin. Eczema can be tricky to deal with, because it’s often cyclical. First, itchy skin shows up. If you scratch it, you can end up damaging your skin even more, which results in the release of more inflammatory …