Mockup Review – Winter 2020 How clear is it to interact with the page on a scale of 1 - 5?*12345(1 - Poor, 5 - Great)How can the ease of use be improved?*How easy is this page to understand on a scale of 1 - 5?*12345(1 - Poor, 5 - Great)How can the page contents be easier to understand?*What would you do next on this page?*View product pageLearn more about the productLearn more about charity givingOtherIf you selected Other, please explain.*Is it clear how Viabuff supports its cause?*YesNoHow can Viabuff's cause be easier to understand?*How likely would you be to share this product and cause with your friends and family?*What is the most you'd be willing to pay for a viabuff?*Any other thoughts? Your feedback is appreciated - thank you for providing honest, critical feedback on the new website layout and content. Δ Download the PDF here